I was very excited this week. Among all the hustle and bustle in my personal life I almost missed 2 crucial business milestones. I met both my Amount of sales and my revenue goal for the year – the latter being more than triple of what I had last year. And we still have the busy holiday rush to go. #winning
So excited was I that I posted in one of my entrepreneur Facebook groups. Nothing like sharing and hearing encouraging words from your peers that know exactly how much you have to put in to get to where you are. It was on this post, that a fellow boss-babe commented: “Flippin well done you. Hard work paying off for you. Remember to take care of yourself within all the business.”
Self Care
I will be the first to admit, that I definitely needed to hear this. Yes, all that I’m working for and achieving is great, but without a little self care it won’t be worth it.
After all, aren’t we all on the path to creating a life with more freedom and time to do what we really love?
So to my kind fellow entrepreneur: Thank you for reminding me to sit back and enjoy my efforts and take time when I need it, to heal my soul, take care of my kids and every now and again practice some self care. 😉
Self Care – Printable inspirational quote
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So this week and always I hope you remember to take time to practice some self care yourself. Don’t be afraid to let the to-do-list slide every now and then and give your batteries time to recharge. I certainly plan to…maybe next week…
Until next time…
Happy Monday people!