Hello Fall!

Ok ok, I know I’m a week early, as the official start of Fall isn’t until September 22 and there’s technically another Monday in between now and then, but I’m just too excited to wait another week. I LOVE Fall. Especially Fall in the South. I love the cooler nights and warm, but not OMG-I’m-melting hot days. I love the apple-cinnamon-everythings, the need for snuggle blankets on the lounge, new season sweaters to warm up with, boots and jeans to go with them and hot tea weather for days. And let’s face it, the changing colors on the trees combined with the crystal blue skies has got to be one of the most beautiful things Mother Nature produces each year.

I LOVE Fall. I love the cooler nights and warm, but not OMG-I'm-melting hot days. Click To Tweet

This changing of the season, also makes me a bit nostalgic and reminiscent of the wonderful summer we just had. As a family we came closer together during hot days spent by the pool, making new friends and simply enjoying our togetherness (<– totally a word ;-). The boys have bonded as brothers and it truly melts my heart watching them play, laugh and grow together.

hello fal - boys bonding hello fall - boys running

hello fall - brothers


Change is good

As a person, designer and mother, this summer has also transformed me into a small business owner and blogger and I can honestly say, I’ve changed. I’m not the person I was only a year ago, or even a season ago. I’ve grown, my family has grown and my little creative business has jumped to life. I love working for me, creating things I love and sharing them with people who do the same. I love knowing my designs are part of special events that will stay in people’s minds for a long time yet – and this is such a welcome change from the corporate grind that has been my design career until now. Not sure anyone will still be fondly looking at that 200-page installer manual I had to create in my Junior-designer years, but I think the wedding invitations for Michelle, Emma, Allie, Bethany and Clare – to name but a few – will have a much better chance at being looked at in years to come, with a fond smile and happy memories attached to them. And that’s why I really love my little Charming Chestnuts store. I want to be part of happy – happy is good.

I want to be part of happy - happy is good.Click To Tweet

So with this changing of the season, I’m looking forward to new challenges, new designs and of course the countdown to Christmas – my favorite holiday and the avalanche of design ideas that brings along with it. So Hello Fall! I’m excited! How about you?

Free printable inspirational quote "Hello Fall" from Charming Chestnuts


Free Printable Inspiration – Hello Fall

|| This free printable has now expired, but you can purchase it here. And if you sign up for my newsletter, I’ll send you a 10% off coupon for your troubles. And every new freebie will be sent directly to your inbox. Check out the current free download in the latest blog post here. ||

So lay it on me: Am I just crazy or do you love Fall as much as I do? What’s your favorite season and why? I’d love to hear about it. Don’t be shy, leave me a comment below. Until then…

Happy Monday people!

Natasha xox

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