Hello!!! Who’s excited for a new week? This girl sure is! I’ve gotten some really awesome news on a personal level this week and feel like this huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. It’s inspiring me to turn things up a notch and really chase this small business dream hard. Never have I wanted it to work out more. Fingers crossed.
On top of that I’m looking forward to some long-awaited visitors in just 2 short weeks – life is good. Did I mention that it’s also Fall? And that Fall is my favorite time of year? Oh yes…I think I did cover that a few weeks ago 😉
Anyway, things are heating up here in Chestnut land too. I’m frantically working on putting together some holiday inventory. As a small business I definitely can’t adopt my personal “last-minute-preparation”-attitude to Christmas or I’ll well and truly miss out on the hustle and bustle of the season. Check out this cute printable that hit the shop this week. Printed and framed this would make a perfect gift under the tree, don’t you think? And yes, I’m totally obsessed with this new font “Braveheart” I got from Creative Market – isn’t it just beautiful??? (Font-nerd-alert!!!)
So for now I’m focusing on all of these positive things and am trying to live in “the happy now”. Of course there are still things that aren’t perfect, but at the same time, there’s not much I can do about that right now either. I’m choosing the happiness I’m feeling this week and want to carry it forward with me…and hoping that the rest will follow.
I'm choosing the happiness I'm feeling this week and want to carry it forward with meClick To TweetPrintable Inspiration – The happy now
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Oh and by the way, did you know it’s only 90 days til Christmas??? I know, right? I’m open for suggestions on what to add to my Holiday-lineup…would love to hear what you all would like to see. Please comment below…
Happy Monday people!