On my wedding day I walked down towards the beach (we eloped at Australia’s beautiful Palm Cove) and my future to the tunes of Rascal Flatts “Bless the broken road”. The lyrics to that song just struck a chord with both of us. Our road has never been straight forward, nothing really came easy or as expected. But we fought for our relationship and the broken road that led us to each other.

And now look at us… Our broken road has led us to two beautiful, smart and funny little boys and a partner in crime to live and love life with…blessed.

Just watch me

Professionally this also rings true for me. The straight and narrow never seemed to make an appearance in my life, but determination to make it regardless? Now that is something that I had all along. So in this year of renewed ups and downs and uncertainties, opportunities waiting and maybe just out of reach I am determined to work through it and reach my goals.

So while my road to this day still remains broken, I have learned to embrace it as a friend – oh and to skip over the potholes to make the best of the situation in front of me…one step or skip at a time. I will not let things, circumstances or people stop me.


Determined. Printable inspirational quote from Charming Chestnuts

determined… Inspirational quote printable

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This printable this week, as much as I hope it will help you on your way and stay focused and determined on your path, was really something that I needed to remind myself of. To dig in and find my inner determination and stick it through. And I think by sharing these feelings and reminders it helps it sink in more.

Do you ever feel that way? Does writing it down or talking it through help you steady your path? Tell me about it, I always love to hear your stories… Stay strong! Until next time…

Happy Monday people!

Natasha xox

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